
Tecno-Spuma actively collaborates in the Oncotrail

Tecno Spuma
Tecno-Spuma actively collaborates in the Oncotrail

The Oncotrail is a 100 km team race, organized by the Fundació Oncolliga Girona together with the Agrupació Excursionista Palafrugell and the Club Atlètic Palafrugell.

The objective is to raise funds to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, as well as a percentage of the proceeds that is also destined for research into this disease at the Institut Català d’Oncologia de Girona.

From Tecno-spuma we are pleased to be able to participate and actively contribute to the sponsorship of causes that are so necessary for our entire society.

More information about the race – Oncotrail